Join Us

Growing our community

We are dedicated to the growth and support of a vibrant textiles and sewn economy, creating the conditions for sustainable job creation and providing meaningful employment, increased local manufacturing capacity, and organic industry collaboration.

Who can join?

  • Businesses, nonprofits, artists, institutions, and individuals in the textiles and sewn industries across the Pacific Northwest are eligible for membership.
  • Businesses, nonprofits, and artists can apply online using the button below.
  • Institutions and individuals should contact the Northwest Sewn coordinator, Sydney Porter, by email at to learn how to apply.
A woman speaks into a microphone at the 2024 Northwest Food & Fiber event, with a group of people listening attentively. Hanging lanterns and decorations create a warm, inviting atmosphere in the background.

Membership is free. Applicants pay a one-time $50 application fee. Estimated time to complete the application is about 30 minutes. Please note: once you submit payment, businesses must complete the “create your listing” portion in order to complete the application.

Northwest Sewn Member Benefits

  • Member-exclusive events and workshops
  • For businesses, nonprofits, and artists – a listing in the NW Sewn Industry Directory
  • Exclusive access to discounts on resources and services, including a free business assessment by Impact WA (valued at $2,500) for Washington businesses with less than 20 employees only
  • Access to member only, peer-to-peer online community featuring opportunities to exchange materials, find resources, and keep up with industry news and local events
  • Improve your business’s sustainability and waste-reducing practices with free consultations with the NW Sewn team
  • Curated industry-specific educational content on a breadth of topics supporting small- to medium-business owners, from administration to operations to production
  • NW Sewn members receive discounts to Northwest Sewn and Seattle Good Business Network events, including the annual Northwest Food & Fiber celebration (see photos from our 2024 event here).